TIMcity is a brand new urban concept.
TIMcity evolves around the urban fabric of the great cities of the world.
TIMcity is an artistic, fashion and marketing brand.
TIMcity has a refreshing and sharp new look on the cities we all know.
It is all about recognition.

Every city is unique and has it’s own energy. Cities provide a feeling of power, energy, spaciousness, grandeur, recognition and cosiness.
TIMcity aims to capture the energy of a city in a unique graphic pattern.
The designs are outcomes of Rene Tim’s view on the urban plan of a specific city that he later translates into a graphic pattern, which reveals the feeling of recognition and identity of that city.

René Tim is the creative brain behind the Timcity concept.
From childhood on cities have always been his fascination.
Every city is unique and has its own energy. Cities provide a feeling of power, energy, spaciousness, grandeur, recognition and cosiness.
As a student Built Environment and later Urban Planning, René’s fascination developed itself on a different level. Combining his personal interests and academical knowledge, he developed a multidisciplinary and multifunctional concept.
René discovered that the unique energy every city provides, is traceable to the morphology of the city.
The morphology of a city exists in the shapes of the streets and squares and the sizes and heights of the different buildings. The urban plan is therefore the grid of the city.
TIMcity is born from René’s own fascination of cities. As a designer and creator of TIMcity his objective is to expose the unique identities of every city. René wants to capture the energy of a city in a unique graphic pattern. The designs are outcomes of his view on the urban plan of a specific city that he later translated into a graphic pattern, which reveals the feeling of recognition and identity of a city.
Since 2010 TIMcity has started as a new brand. The designs of TIMcity have already been produced on products, like t-shirts, sweatshirts, screenprints, notebooks, shoppers and beanies.